Every policymaker who talks about “greater access to mental health care” as some kind of objective good needs to become acquainted with this story and the thousands just like it.

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I don't know if it's too "meta" to reply to a comment on the story about me, but I really, really appreciate this sentiment, Coopre. Thank you. This is why I share my story.

I also feel really uncomfortable with calls for expanded mental health services-- in particular, "children's mental health services"--because this outcome will likely lead to more peoples' distress being pathologized, individualized, and ultimately, medicated. I lost 10 years of my life.

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Im sorry that your experience within the mental health field was not positive for you .Its an opinion that thousands have suffered as you have. I look at research studies to tell me outcomes ..

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As a clinical therapist I'm rather taken back by this article. It contains only on persons personal account.. The field of mental heath is very complex, a place where 1+1 = 2 does not exist . We are working with many variables no 2 cases are exactly a like. To say that we are a cult is far fetched. If a person has an assessment with a psychartist and they suggest medication they have a choice to take it or not. It is not mandatory. I have personally counseled many in my 25 years practice. I have observed many clients healing from their pain. In a world where mental health has always had a stigma why would this article be one sided.? This can cause harm to those who have thought about seeking help but now are told that psychartists belong to a cult. Mental health professionals take the same oath as Doctor ". Do no harm.". This article is only a few people's experiences (opinions ) on how destructive mental health professional are. How about some research stats that show how effective mental health counseling is. How we have empowered our clients with education, coping skills and how to navigate barriers. Thus the healing process begins.

Yes my opinion but I live it daily I observe people finding happiness, healing and peace.

Janet Smith LMSW

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"First do no harm." Janet Smith, LMSW what white privilege world did you grow up in. I was 14 years old when my father (my politically powerful offender dad) committed me in a psych hospital to cover up his sex crimes committed against me and it worked. The most cruel events in my life was not child sexual abuse -- It was a mental health care system that protected my offenders that was the ultimate cruelty. Rape was nothing compared to the mental health care system protecting my offenders because they are politically powerful.

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"Do no harm" does not apply to psychiatry, and certainly doesn't apply to inpatient psychiatry.

It's fine to defend voluntary mental health counseling. The rest of this field is about pathologizing, medicalizing, and sedating the consequences of trauma, and often, violently so.

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Facts? Research? Opinion ?

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If you read the article, I run a support group for survivors of involuntary treatment that has ~300 members at this point. My story is one of the milder ones.

I encourage you to do your own research, if you're willing to approach it with an open mind! Emily Krebs, the suicide researcher at Fordham, has some great work and a really helpful Twitter account. The Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs tracks instances of institutional abuse at New York State public hospitals and shares some of their data. Those are good places to start.

But I do want to point out to you that you are repeatedly asking for "research"-- something that comes from "experts" and usually requires funding to happen--while demonstrating a level of aggression around the idea of listening to lived experience. I'm not sure you're looking for anything except formal confirmation of your own viewpoint.

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I have medical records from when I a 12 year old little girl with an STD and the mental health care system pursued me instead of the adults who gave me the STD? "First Do No Harm". Britney Spears and I can tell you how well that works. Sorry to be so blunt but I speak the truth. #metoo, #incesttoo, #metoopsychiatry.

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