A poetic , hopeful meditation that draws on beauty of places in nature and reliance on relationships to counter anger and despair with the state of our world. Yes, while it is true that whoever is elected will not protect our mysterious beaches or hidden dwelling places of fawns , we can build our sanctuaries. Riverss added an important way to save ourselves in his elegy for O’Hara. Even in his loss, Rivers drew on the almost- humorous observation that his friend suffered a violent death without distinction, rather than the death from excess that Rivers anticipated.

Life punches us with losses of family, friends , and elections. Paris counters with his well earned conflicts : We can hear anger and disappointment and resignation and appreciation for friends meld into hope for survival in providing sanctuary . Rivers adds the need to survive through laughing at ourselves as we live through creativity but die always the wrong way anyway

I am reminded of a story told to me years ago by my friend , Helen. When she was a prisoner at Auschwitz, weighing half her weight before slavery and being without even shoes in the winter, she and several others were looking among the clothes of the dead for anything warm to wear. They hurried to avoid being caught and murdered but , telling the story to me years later , Helen noted “I was a skeleton but I still had a tuchas to cover. “ Humor in a death lager. Humor——when you have lost your parents , siblings , home , clothes , and food. So there we have collaboration of the current thesis . Although survival depends on a kaleidoscope of luck , it helps to want to love and be loved , and to be able to laugh at yourself. Helen lived to enjoy and to create safe places to tell stories , mainly about wanting to live with people you love. Paris takes is on paths through ways to maintain the desire to live even in this world of losses .

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thanks for this beautiful comment!

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Found myself coming back to this over the past couple days, especially today, to maintain hope. Thank you for this much needed reframe!

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Thank you so much for this <3

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